Monday, September 15, 2014

Battle of the Bowl

I had a strange roommate who was taking wood shop or some kind of wood working class at the college we went to. She was constantly coming home with things she made, and filling our already crammed and cluttered apartment with her homework assignments. One day me and another girl were cleaning the apartment and decided to organize the desk in the living room that had gotten out of control. We cleared it off, putting various papers and belongings away, including a large and ugly bowl, which we stuck on top of the fridge. The next day, I woke up to find the ugly bowl back out on the desk. I laughed and told the other roommate, who then grabbed the bowl and hid it in the hall closet under some blankets. Next morning THE BOWL WAS BACK ON THE DESK! This time, less amused and a little more creeped out, my roommate took the bowl and hid it again. The next morning I didn't wake up to the bowl on the desk, but a rather, a rude note taped to the bathroom mirror addressed to ME! Saying that "everything was fine before I got there and blah blah blah give me my bowl back." Annoyed, I ripped up the letter and sprinkled it all over her bed. She came home, and my roommate confessed that she was the one hiding her bowl. No apologies were given, we just continued avoiding each other from that point on.

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