Thursday, July 10, 2014

Happy Birthday! and the Silent Treatment

My freshman year roommate wasn't a horror story, she was just awkward and uncomfortable to be around. I could never so much as change my clothes without feeling like she was totally creeped out by my partial nudity. She didn’t go out and I could tell she judged me when I did. She kept to herself and was very considerate of me, but no matter how many times I tried to joke with her or do something nice for her, there was just never a friendship spark.

For her birthday, I decorated the room with streamers and fun stuff. I even bought her a gift. When my birthday came around, she started counting down the days on our dry erase board. I was flattered. When my birthday actually came—not a word. It didn't bother me that she didn't decorate or buy me something, she literally did not speak a word to me. There is no way she could have forgotten because I was opening presents with my friends in the room while she sat silently on her computer. Later on in the evening, I returned from dinner around 8 to a completely dark room and my roommate in bed. She was someone who regularly stayed up until one or two A.M… so on my birthday—which she completely failed to acknowledge—I’m supposed to respect her being in bed at 8 PM?? on a Friday night. It was so rude and strange to me. I only spoke to her when I had to after that (2 more months).

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